Example deployment for auth-boilerplate

Requirements for the server


On Debian/Ubuntu you can install them as superuser with:

$ apt-get install nginx supervisor make

We use a post-receive git hook to puplish the repository on the live server. He triggers on every push to the git repo on the server.

The post-receive hook uses the path defined in the livepath variable. Make sure that this path exists on the server before pushing the first time.

The hook triggers make deploylive which is defined in Makefile. This install the dependencies and build the App.

In addition on every push to Github master branch Travis CI triggers a push to the live server. So the live site is in sync with the Github master branch.


The deploy/conf directory contains examples for git hook and server configuration with gunicord behind a nginx reverse proxy. For monitoring and controlling gunicord we use supervisor.

  • git/hooks/post-receive - put this in the hooks directory of your bare git repository on the server.
  • web/nginx.conf - the nginx configuration.
  • web/supervisord.conf - the supervisor configuration for gunicorn.
  • web/gunicorn.conf.py - gunicorn configuration which id used directly from here.


PonyORM supports SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL/MariaDB and Oracle. In auth-boilerplate we use Postgres in production and SQLite for development and testing.

When you want to use another database then SQLite you have to first create a database for auth-boilerplate on the server.

Then configure server/settings/production.yml according to the database setup.