
Services are used for triggering side effects which you want to move out of the view.

A custom service can be created like this:

@App.method(App.service, name='myCustomService')
def my_custom_service(app, name):
    setting1 = getattr(app.settings.custom_service, 'setting1', None)
    setting2 = getattr(app.settings.custom_service, 'setting2', None)

    return MyCustomService(setting1=setting1, setting2=setting2)

A function is decorated with the @App.method decorator and gets App.service and a name to identify your service. The function receives an app instance and the service name. So you have access to app attributes like settings. The function should return the service class.

For examples take a look at server/

The service can be initiated for example in the view or by a signal from an app instance like this:

    my_custom_service = app.service(name='myCustomService')

and also from the request:

    my_custom_service ='myCustomService')


The MailerService integrates the simple Yagmail SMTP client for sending emails. For signing links which are sent to the user the TokenService is used.



  • username: SMPT username (string from settings)
  • password: SMTP password (string from settings)
  • host: SMPT server host (string from settings)
  • port: SMPT server port (string from settings)
  • starttls: True, if starttls should be used (boolean from settings)
  • ssl: True, if SSL should be used (boolean from settings)
  • skip_login: True, if login should be skipped (boolean from settings)
  • token_service: a reference to a token service instance

Class method send_confirmation_email

Sending an email confirming the users email address.


  • user: user entity
  • request: current request object

Class method send_reset_email

Sending an email allowing the user to reset his password.


  • user: user entity
  • request: current request object


The TokenService uses itsdangerous URLSafeTimedSerializer to sign links which are time limited.



  • secret: The secret string used for creating the token (string from settings).
  • max_age: Maximal time the token should be valid in seconds (integer from settings). By default without limit.

Class method create

Creates a token.


  • obj: The object to serialize. For MailerService we use the user's email address.
  • salt: The salt used for serialization.

Return value

  • Returns the token.

Class method validate

Validates a token.


  • token: The token to validate.
  • salt: The salt used for validation.

Return values

  • Returns True if the token is valid.
  • Returns False if the token is invalid.


EmailValidationService uses email_validator to normalize and verify email addresses. During verification it checks also if the email domain is available.


Class method normalize

Normalizes the email address by converting domain to lower case and replacing '' domain with '' domain.


  • email: email address to normalize

Return values

  • Returns the normalized email address.
  • Returns original email address if the syntax is not correct.

Class method verify

Normalizes the email address like normalize and verifies if the email domain is available.


  • email: email address to verify

Return values

  • Returns the normalized email address.
  • Raises EmailSyntaxError if a syntax error occurs.
  • Raises EmailUndeliverableError if the domain is unavailable.